No. 92 – June 11, 2011


This was the famous line that Al Capone (Chicago Mobster Supreme) purportedly said when asked if he was seriously considering running for mayor of the Windy City.

Anyone who is, in anyway whatsoever, associated with Chicago politics knows the line well – and the subtle reality of what it actually means.

In chaos, lies security – for the Status Quo.

The Republicans are in chaos – and the Democrats are reveling in that fact.

Here we have President Obama with sagging approval ratings in all topic areas, actual unemployment hovering around 20%, FOUR wars – all of which we are losing, a housing “double-dip,” record-breaking bonuses paid out to Wall Street big-shots, 50 MILLION Americans on Food Stamps, our national infrastructure in Third World category, basic services in the shitter, a national debt in the TRILLIONS of dollars, the rich getting richer and the middle class getting poorer, a national savings rate of less than $3,000 per person, and no basic national health insurance – public or private.

I could go on, but you have heard all this before.

Yet, we are constantly distracted by “Weiner Gate,” will Sarah run, Sarah’s e-mails, Romney is a Mormon, Newt just blew his chances, Pawlenty in the wilderness – and Paul Ryan pushing old ladies off the healthcare cliff.

Doesn’t anybody actually see what is happening?

Please remember – we have ONE major source of “news.”  AP – the Associated Press, and UPI – United Press International, are essentially, owned and operated by one controlling group.

Much like the Democrats and Republicans – they simply pretend to be separate entities.

The Liberal bent of this “Media Monopoly” is well-documented, but not so well-known.

“The only drawback to a Democracy is that it is directly dependent upon the intelligence of its citizens.”

And therein lies the rub.

Americans are simply ignorant.  I do not mean stupid.  Stupid cannot be corrected.  Ignorance is entirely a different matter.

But the “Media Monopoly” has such a crushing hold – a mental vise-grip – on the average American’s mind, to the point that they THINK they know “all the answers” – but are really totally uninformed as to what is actually taking place in America – right under their very noses.

I am not talking about the “Socialist direction” nor the usurpation of the Constitution by the current Administration.

I am talking about the raw acquisition – and RETENTION – of Political Power.

I watched—with increasing unease—FED Chairman Ben Bernanke’s speech this past week.

His voice shook like I have never seen it shake before.  He sounded like a novice speech contestant giving his first presentation – eyes fluttering, shaky voice, beads of perspiration, “uhs” and “ahs” galore – but this was not mentioned ONCE by the Monopoly Media Network.

Everybody simply pretended to “not notice.”

Our total economy is on the proverbial brink of complete meltdown – but yet we are told, by the Monopoly Media, that recovery will take time, that there is NO INFLATION, gas prices will “eventually” come down, as will unemployment.

The key phrase in the above is “take time.”

And if the Republican party keeps taking its time, we will surely have four more years of Barack Obama.


I have been extremely lucky to have two very well-placed friends within “high places” in the US Government, who have been on “my side” since my Congressional run in Washington state in 2004.

Last night, one of them happened to be passing through town (the Capital of California) and wanted to “go for a walk.”

What he told me was frightening to say the least.

He informed me that his sources at Stratford (an information gathering organization located in Austin, Texas) “surmised” that the following could very well happen:

Gas prices will slowly recede to below $3.00 per gallon – before November 2012

Unemployment numbers will “be reported” within the range of 7.5% to 8% – before November 2012

Inflation will be “stated” as under control – before November 2012

Then, and this is the frightening part of our two hour conversation, he said that Obama is intentionally letting the Middle East “play itself out” and will take “decisive action” with regard to Iran – before November 2012.

He related that Obama made a huge mistake in helping Libya at first.  He then decided to let NATO handle the whole affair – and in doing so, knew exactly what would happen.  They simply cannot make the grade without US military assistance.

When I asked what he meant by “decisive action” he said that Robert Gates just announced his “displeasure” with how NATO Forces were handling the Middle East “situation.”  Gates believes that NATO will only be successful with American military support.

Obama, and his military commanders, believe that Iran is actually in possession of the “Bomb” already – and they are prepared to “pounce” if the situation dictates such action.

When I asked what would make an attack on Iran happen, he looked at me and laughed.  “If the economy doesn’t turn out the way Bernanke predicts, then Obama will pull the “national security card” and attack Iran.

And suddenly, it all made sense to me.  The Monopoly Media would build up the attack on Iran as a national security move.  Obama would be pictured as strong on national defense.

Israel would be “saved” – as would be the “Jewish vote.”

Finally, I now understand why Binyamin Netanyahu (that is the correct Hebrew English spelling) came to America – and “lectured” President Obama on the security of Israel.  It is all a set-up for America to invade Iran, if the economy – and the country – is not gaining speed in its so-called “recovery.”

To muster political support, leaders have always gone “outside” to divert attention from internal problems.  It is a classic example of Machiavellian strategy – and Obama is well aware of this fact.

Please bear in mind, Machiavelli was NOT a bad person.  He was simply telling how a Prince could attain – and then RETAIN power.

Another point, that my friend related to me, was the fact that Obama was “furious” in that he did not get the praise he thought should have come with the “offing” of Osama bin Laden.

He felt “slighted” that he was not hailed as a hero for taking him out.  Yes, the newspapers tried to make a big thing about it – but it died down VERY quickly.

Obama thought that he would be perceived as strong on national security – but that simply did not happen.

Another point that my friend made was, “the military thinks he is a complete asshole.”  And then he added, “And so do the leaders of the rest of the world.”

When you take this comment into consideration, you then have to wonder how Obama can even think of attacking Iran.  When I posed this question, my friend sighed and said, “He is still the Commander-in-Chief.”

After saying goodbye, I went back inside my house, fixed a triple Martini and then trapsed out by my pool to sulk in utter despair.


After taking my first sip, my friend, Ernesto Patriota, came out and joined me.

He plopped himself down, popped open a can of beer and took a big swig.  Then he looked at me and said, “Why so down?  It is a beautiful day in paradise.  Be happy, man.”

After I related to him the conversation I had with my friend he nodded his head and said, “American people aren’t educated anymore – they are simply indoctrinated.”

Bear in mind, Ernesto is a so-called “minority” but hates that word – so I don’t refer to him in such a manner.

He used to buy into the whole Democrat bullshit that “We will take care of you” – just vote for us.

Well, Ernesto voted Democrat – for years – and the Democrats took care of him and his family.

Food stamps, child care, more food stamps, unemployment insurance, more food stamps.

Finally one day, Earnesto woke up and discovered – he was still living in the same “la vadio” – with all the other “Latinos” and was still dirt poor.

He bought a pickup truck, grabbed some gardening equipment and became a “mow-blow & go” upper-middle class hero.

The first time Ernesto paid his Income Tax on the money he earned by his hard labor – he became an Ultra-conservative.

I really like Ernesto Patriota, and everybody like him who has chosen to work for a living – instead of relying on “entitlements” for the rest of their lives – and merely surviving in the ghetto.

“Black Americans need to get a different life,” he said with surety.  “I mean, if I can cut lawns – and make a lot of money – why can’t they?”

Without waiting, he answered his own question.  “It is because they have bought the Liberal bullshit that they will take care of them.”

Ernesto had a point.  And therein lies the real difference between Liberal and Conservative thinking.  Notice, I did not say Democrats and Republicans.

Liberals promise to “take care of you.”

Conservatives promise to let you “take care of yourself.”

Confucius knew this trick a long time ago, when he said, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day.  Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

There is a very dark side to the Liberal trend of thinking.  “Minorities” for the most part, make up a large portion of the “government sector.”  Yet those very same people are living off of the less fortunate “minority groups” as they “take care of them.”

The government system of job acquisition (minority hiring quotas) takes care of the UPPER-minority class, and, in turn, the UPPER-minority class takes care of the LOWER-minority class – in perpetuity.

It is a vicious cycle that has NO end.  And it was intentionally designed that way.

The GREAT SOCIETY came into existence in 1965 by mostly Liberal Democrats.  We now have more poor people in America – living off of WELFARE – than ever before.  And it is getting PROGRESSIVELY worse.

I have a number of black friends, and they all tell me the same thing.  They HATE the “fucking ghetto.”

That is why they worked hard – and finally moved out.

But many of their friends are stuck – mentally bound – by the Welfare handouts that they have become literally ACCUSTOMED to receiving.  In short, they don’t know how to get out.  They are stuck in poverty – forever.

No wonder they turn to a life of crime.  What have they got to lose?  Once arrested, they go to jail – where again they are “taken care of” – many times for “life.”

They have medical care, dental care, three meals a day, free rent, free food.  What more could you ask for?  All they have to do is give up their freedom.

My circle of friends – and the ethnic makeup has changed over the years.  No longer are most of my friends white. I have all kinds of friends from different backgrounds, ethnic makeups and national orgins.

But one thing they all have in common is their will to work – and to be FREE.

In the past few years I have come into contact with a lot of Americans of Asian descent.  Notice, I did not say Asian-Americans.  THAT is another “trick” of the Politically Correct Liberal Establishment.  Keep the masses divided and they are easier to control.

It is all about POWER – and the retention thereof.

And talk about working hard.  The Americans of Asian descent work their asses off.  They HATE welfare and everything that it stands for.

We have tons of black Ghettos in America.  We have tons of “Latino” ghettos in America.

Show me the millions of Asians who live in ghettos.  You can’t.  Because they take it upon themselves to work hard, be honest and strive for dignity – that can only come through self-reliance.

Just look at how Japan is recovering from the most horrendous earthquake, tsunami and flooding disaster since World War Two.  Not to mention FOUR nuclear meltdowns at the same time.  With quiet dignity they are coping, and rebuilding – yet again.

But when the same tragedy hits America, we have murders, rapes and looting.  Does the aftermath of Katrina come to mind?  It was so bad that police officers simply walked off their jobs.

Yet the concept of self-reliance is not taught nowadays in our public “education” system.  And no wonder.

All these teachers are “government employees” themselves.  They are “taking care of” our children – and the way they think – while the parents are trying to eke out a standard of living that is rapidly disappearing from the American scene altogether.

Have you ever wondered why the public education system – and the unions that support the whole scam – HATE     home-schooling, despise vouchers, and abhor charter schools?

It is because “alternative educational systems” pose a threat to their power structure – and, in essence – their very livelihood.

Make education competitive – and you will vastly improve the outcome of American children – regardless of race, religion, creed or color.

Keep them publicly indoctrinated with the entitlement mentality – with no other educational outlets from which to choose – and we will surly fail.

Remember, American children recently placed 23rd in language proficiency and 28th in math ability, when compared with other “advanced/industrialized” nations.

China, India, Korea, Taiwan and Japan all did MUCH better.

Something is VERY wrong with America.

If America does not wake up, pull its head of of its south end – and do it very quickly – Americans will only have themselves to blame for the catastrophe that is sure to come.

Until next time, keep thinking positive – and never give up.

Only 517 days until November 6, 2012.  Hope for Change!

Lawrence Klepinger




4 Responses to “No. 92 – June 11, 2011”

  • Dick Bachert Says:

    Larry, Another good issue.

    One habit I’ve finally broken is calling the government indoctrination centers “public” schools. Referring to them as GOVERNMENT schools is a middle-ground between public schools and government indoctrination centers. Gets folks thinking about what they REALLY are.

    Some of us oldsters are doing what we can to pass on to our kids and grandkids the birthright we inherited from OUR parents. Having said that, I wonder how many of these 6 year olds will come out of the government schools with the SLIGHTEST understanding of what it is that’s been stolen from them? The teachers’ unions and fedzilla’s Dept. of Ed. (which Reagan went to DC to ABOLISH and was forced to retreat) will see to it that they will be comfortable with the “new community.” They’ve torn a page out of another despot’s playbook:

    “When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to us already… What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community’.”
    Adolph Hitler Speech November 1933

    When my kids were still in the government schools (gs), my wife and I were quite active. The
    Principal of their elementary school chose me to represent the school in
    something called the LSAC (Local School Advisory Committee) program. I
    attended several meetings held at the County Board of Education
    headquarters. I came away from the VERY FIRST of those meetings with these impressions:
    1. Those folks DID NOT speak English. Through tight little smirks clearly
    indicative of the low esteem, indeed, contempt, they had for the uninformed and ignorant gaggle of parents arrayed before them, they spoke in buzz words and technobabble code only they comprehended. At one point — to the visible relief of the other parents — I stopped one woman’s presentation and asked for a translation of what she’d said. She was NOT pleased!
    2. They DID NOT want parents involved! Cookie sales and PTA?
    OK. Serious criticism of a course or textbook? Verboten! Your option was
    private or parochial school. There very little home schooling then.
    3. Most of these people MAY have once been educators. They were now
    bureaucrats guarding their turf.
    4. Many of those administrative folks were making over $50K and, though I looked for signs of it, I saw little evidence of anything resembling “work.” And this was 20 years ago when the average classroom teacher earned less than $25K.
    5. There were WAY too many administrators in the gs. It is a perfect
    opportunity to provide make-work sinecures for “anointed” members of the educational fraternity. Four years as an Air Force instructor taught me how to spot the signs.

    Here’s the “bottom line:” Simply hurling more money into the black hole of the gs WILL NOT WORK. Most of that money will NEVER get to the classroom or into the pockets of DESERVING teachers who actually TEACH. And teach what any sensible human being – REGARDLESS of race, faith or ethnicity — instinctively understands to be correct, morally defensible material.

    Bush 43 was right about one thing: We need accountability! Perhaps you recall Clinton’s asinine plan to send 100,000 PAID Americorps “volunteers” into the grade schools to TEACH KIDS TO READ. Why hadn’t their PREVIOUS teachers – OR THEIR PARENTS! — taught them to perform that rather basic skill???

    Think about what you just read as YOUR local government schools continue to raise YOUR property taxes — AGAIN!!.

  • Buru-chan Says:

    I personally think the military, under Panetta, might be less compliant with an Obama attack on Iran than we imagine. He might try it, but for the innumerable reasons it has not advanced to date, will likely fail. Moreover, after his abysmal performance with the Israelis recently, I think they, and many other leaders, want him out! Maybe a birth certificate related scandal-someone remembers seeing his mom in a hospital in Kenya et al…

  • Tom Cox Says:

    Hi Larry;

    This was a great issue of the American Telegraph. Implicitly, you stated something that I concluded quite awhile ago. Our system of government and politics – and big busines and international banking – have completely failed us. This means Americans should return to the traditional frontier values of resourcefulness, toughness, frugality, self-sufficiency, diverse income generating strategies and maximum usage of local resources, among other things. Increasing dependence on “the system” will only embolden it to deceive and exploit us even more. We have to be able to take care of ourselves, not only at the individual, but also at the local community level. We have to show the federal government that we do not necessarily need it. This, in turn, will force the government to be more responsive and accountable. As it stands we cannot count on the government to do anything for us. And this includes homeland security. Despite the gigantic Homeland Security apparatus it has been ordinary people, acting on their own, who have stopped terrorist attacks in our country more than the government. Think of the ordinary people who stopped the shoe bomber, Richard Reid, or the man who tackled the underwear bomber and put out the smoking bomb with his bare hands, not to mention many other examples. Self-sufficient frontier life gave rise to the qualities and values which made America the great country it is. Big government, on the other hand, just seems to make everything worse. It is time someone spoke the truth. We don’t just have a recession in America. We are in a Depression. It was the resiliency, flexibity and toughness of ordinary people that pulled us out of the last Depression. The same qualities will be necessary to get us out of this one.

  • John Says:

    Okay, Okay, so you point out all the things you do; but no one wants to do anything about it. Whom ever read this stuff you write should be active, but I’m not sure anyone wants to be active.

    About schools! I am at school everyday helping with a theatre teacher. After 29 years, and the last 4 getting a Masters, she is bound by certain rules she cannot ever get around and those rules are dropped down through the Government, no school administration. School Administration is just merely following the law (and sometimes hidding behind it). School teachers (as I see every day) are free to do only one thing, teach their class; but even that is directed by educational code (set by the government). Everything else they do is by law. As my teacher I work with would be teaching English and not theatre this year becuase they want her to have bigger class sizes. Well, she whent out and recuited and got the class sizes. She now has a full drama class schedule and we are still holding to 3x the shows any other school is doing. Kids get a lot of education from theatre classes, learn speaking, proper english, ability to speak in front of people, learn on to research, memorization, they even learn about music and to sing with proper musical direction; some kids work on the scenery and learn to use tools, building things, and there is tech stuff like sound and lighting. There is a lot to learn in theatre that benefits students in other academic classes. And to be here, students must hold their grades and 95 % are “A” students.

    There is more to schools that people understand and the big politicians need to get out of the faces of teachers and give them some room to do the job and move the “bad” kids to other class rooms so teachers can concentrate on those that want to learn.

    As far as the US and politics, nothing is going to happen, nothing unless the folks wake up as you say and do something. I still say, vote for Sarah Palin!! What the hell, let’s try a woman President, let’s put a vote way out there and see what happens.

    However, no matter who gets into the White House, we still have a Congress full of jerks that not every American has control of who gets there, and some dig into the Congressional system to gain power to control. But who the hello is working for the American people. Why do we have a disaster and have to wait for politicians to declare a disaster area so that folks can get lower interest loans to rebuild. Where all the good a free we need just like the rest of the world we help.

    Every America is a terriost when trying to board an airplane. What happened and why did we Americans lose the freedom of flight we used to have. Do people think of that…NO…they just glad they have the security. Why didn’t we have the security on 9/11?

    Okay, next time you write something L.K., how ideas that people should be doing to make things right in America. I agree with 10% sales tax and abolish the income tax.