No. 87 – May 8, 2011


I have been giving this edition of The American Telegraph a lot of thought and consideration.  I intentionally waited until all the Osama bin Laden hoopla subsided before weighing in.

However, there needs to be a little clearing of the air before I get started.

MY definition of a Conspiracy Theorist is one who:

Does not believe everything his government – and Media – tells him to believe.

It is simple, and to the point.

I believe that we are at war in THREE countries:  Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Before the Navy Seals pulled off their brilliant “siege” and took out bin Laden, I was having arguments with Liberals who INSISTED that American forces were NOT in Pakistan.

At the time, I was accused of being a “conspiracy weirdo.”

We are no longer having that argument.

It seems to me that people who DON’T believe in everything the Government has to tell us are the ones who have a better grasp on what is actually taking place, rather than those who just lap up the Media drivel being pumped out nowadays.

Did we land men on the moon?  Who really killed Kennedy?  And Lincoln, for that matter?  Was 9/11 an inside job?

Who knows for SURE?  I guarantee that SOMEBODY does, but that somebody is not me.  Yet, that still does not hamper my THINKING on my own and coming up with ALTERNATIVE THEORIES.

So why is a Theory that is contrary to the STATUS QUO – labeled a CONSPIRACY THEORY?

Please remember, Galileo said that the Earth was NOT the center of the universe – in accordance with the Heliocentric Theory as proposed by Nicolaus Copernicusand was duly chastised by the Church (Status Quo) – and eventually excommunicated.  He stayed that way for over 300 years! The excommunication was finally lifted a few years back.

The Status Quo DOES NOT like to have dissenting voices – and will NEVER admit that they were EVER wrong.

So, today, I would like to delve into a little bit of history and see what YOU, the reader, come up with.  I will not try to influence your thinking.  I will just lay out some “assumed truisms and assigned quotes” and see what kind of response I get.

On another note, I have noticed recently ,when reading ALL of the MEDIA prints, the following:

Conspiracy Theorists are somehow associated with Right-Wing Nut Cases.

Also, the word CONSERVATIVE is very often in conjunction with the prefix “right-wing” as in right-wing conservative.

But, as of yet, I have never seen the word LIBERAL written with the prefix “left-wing” as in left-wing Liberal.

Look at all the media print out there – and please prove me wrong on these observations.


Many people like to relate to the so-called New World Order.  But it is not “New” at all.

It is simply the “Old World Order” with a “New” face.

How insane was the latest Media hype about the “Royal Wedding?”  Poor people all over the globe, jumping for joy at the wedding of one of the richest families in the world.

How did they get that rich?  By raping, plundering and pillaging other countries out of their land and natural resources.

Yet, they could do so, because they were ORDAINED by DIVINE RIGHT to rule.  Anybody who disagreed with this assumption was considered a conspiracy theorist – and treated accordingly.

Many an innocent man died in the Tower of London – and innocent women, too.

The New World Order actually began with the establishment of the United States of America.

Does this sound outlandish to you?  Well, it shouldn’t.  Please give the following some serious consideration.

If you do not believe in the concept of International Moneychangers – then you have to refute the likes of the following American Patriots:

“The ability of the Colonists to get power to issue THEIR OWN MONEY permanently out of the hands of George III, and the INTERNATIONAL BANKERS, was the PRIME REASON for the Revolutionary War.”   Benjamin Franklin

“History records that the MONEY CHANGERS have used every form of abuse, INTRIGUE, DECEIT, and VIOLENT means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.”  James Madison

And then there is Thomas Jefferson who said, “I sincerely believe that the banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than STANDING ARMIES.”

Yet, with these illustrious FOUNDING FATHERS arguing AGAINST a Central Bank, Alexander Hamilton, acting in behalf of the Rothchild family, helped establish the First Central Bank of the United States.

When the time came to renew the Bank’s charter, it was stated from the floor of Congress, by Peter Buell Porter that, “If the banks charter was renewed, Congress will have planted in the bosom of this constitution a viper, which one day or another will sting the liberties of this country to the heart.”  Porter, by the way, was a Congressman, Senator, Secretary of War and General in the War of 1812.

Andrew Jackson, had as his one issue – keeping the central bankers out of our country.

There was an attempted assassination on Jackson’s life for his vehement hatred of the central banking cartel.

But notice, Jackson said keeping the central bankers OUT of our country.

In other words, they were still in EUROPE – and trying to come into America – so as to control the vast amount of riches that lay across the whole country.

And then we have the prophetic words of Abraham Lincoln:

“The money powers prey upon the Nation in time of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity.  It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy.  Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money powers of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the PREJUDICES of the PEOPLE, until wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and THE REPUBLIC IS DESTROYED.”

Lincoln was assassinated.

President Garfield said:

“Whoever controls the volumn of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a FEW POWERFUL MEN AT THE TOP, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”

Garfield was assassinated.

These, my friends, are TRUE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS!

These men KNEW of the dangers of a PRIVATELY CONTROLLED CENTRAL BANK – and warned against it – but lost the battle in the end.

In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was enacted.

In 1913 the Federal Income Tax was set in place.

In 1913 the Internal Revenue Service was initiated.

President Kennedy, who was strongly opposed to the Central Bank (The FED) finally issued Executive order 11110, directing the U.S. Treasury to issue its own silver certificates, in violation of the absolute power of the FED.

Kennedy was assassinated.

Originally, in America, everything was handled by real coinage – gold and silver.

Then came “certificates” that were backed by gold.

Then came “certificates” that were backed by silver.

Both of these certificates are now out of circulation.

In their place we have “certificates” that are backed by – NOTHING.

Look on a one dollar bill.  You will find no GUARANTEE of its backing.

When I was a kid I used to regularly walk into our local bank and trade my “silver certificates” that were backed by the faith and credit of the United States of America – and get a SILVER DOLLAR in return.

You can no longer do this.  Try it and see what happens.  You will cause a riot in your bank if you demand to get a dollar in silver.  Even the silver dollars are NOT silver anymore.

We now have nothing but fiat paper money – backed by absolutely nothing at all.

It was at this time that the FED was becoming increasingly aware that more and more people were starting to wake up to what was really going on – and had to devise a way to counter the growing number of CONSPIRACY THEORIES that were starting to become widespread.

The quote of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, head of the European Banking Dynasty, was starting to gain notoriety:

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”

And herein lies the crux of the situation.

Many people believe that it is the Jews who control the wealth of nations.  But this is, in fact, exactly what the CABAL wants everyone to think.

Remember, divide and conquer.  Direct the people’s attention AWAY from the real GOAL.



It is not the Democrats or Republicans, Liberals or Conservtives, Catholics, Christians, Jews or Muslims.

Where money, power and greed congregate – race, religion, creed, culture and national origin hold no sway.

The greed for power and money is the essence of the New World Order.

And that world order is dangerously close to full control.

The UN.

The WTO.

The WMF.

The New World Order is already here.  We are just pretending that it isn’t.


By socialization – through Mass Media Brainwashing.

Sound like another conspiracy theory?  If so, then consider this.

In a recent survey, some of the richest CEOs of top corporations are from the Media sector, not Big Oil.  This was recently pointed out to me by one of my “right-wing conservative” friends, who knows more about these things than I do.

But how can this possibly be the case?

If you control the information, set the stage for what is to be discussed – and tell people how to talk and act – then you control the decisions – and who is to be appointed or assigned to public office.

Consider this:

All news – throughout the ENTIRE WORLD – comes from only TWO wire services; the Assocaited Press, and Reuters.

Reuters has been owned by the Rothschild Group since the late 1800s.  This very same group later purchased, and now owns, the Associated Press.


“How are you today?”

“I am just awesome – and thank you for asking.”

This is just one, of the many subtle ways, in which WE THE PEOPLE have been slowly brainwashed into TALKING and ACTING in the same method and manner.

Awesome, dude!

Political Correctness dictates that ANYBODY who questions ANYTHING that is put out by the Media – is a RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVE CONSPIRACY WIERDO.

If you even bring up a QUESTION regarding someone’s birth certificate – you are branded a nutto, or even worst yet, the dreaded racist – and treated with disdain.

And it all started to unfold with one of America’s most ardent Conservatives – Barry Goldwater.

The Media branded him as an EXTREMIST – a nut job par excellence.

The people were duped – and we got Lyndon Johnson – and the Vietnam War, along with The Great SOCIETY.

Keep branding the Conservatives as RACIST – and sooner or later everybody starts to believe it.

Call people who seriously challenge the STATUS QUO, THE FED, THE INTERNATIONAL MONEYCHANGERS, as whackos and people start to think that is what they really are.

Enter, Ron Paul.  I have heard more and more people say, “I think he is great, but he is really kind of whacko.”

When I ask them to explain some of his ideas, they are at a loss for words.  But they BELIEVE him to be crazy, just the same.

This, my friends, is the SOCIAL MEDIA manipulating the minds of the general populace.  It is the most subtle form of brainwashing known to man.

Repeat  a LIE long enough – and people will start to believe it.


In all honesty, I don’t know.  But I have a theory.

Osama bin Laden’s family has been friends with the Bush family for over 30 years.  The day after September 11, 2001, all the airspace over the whole country was closed down – except for ONE airliner – carrying the bin Laden family relatives back to Saudi Arabia.

Osama bin Laden and the CIA had extremely close contact before they turned on each other.

The CIA has allegedly had its hand in the world drug trade ever since Vietnam – and are now, at least, mentioned in the same breath when talking about the Opium trade in Afghanistan.

Everybody knows where the poppy fields are – but they are allowed to grow – and prosper.

Conspiracy? I really don’t know.

A financial meltdown in October of 2008, in which $850 BILLION simply disappeared.

Conspiracy?  I really don’t know.

The “Flash Crash” where a TRILLION dollars in equity funds vanished within minutes on the New York Stock Exchange – and then suddenly came back – on different bank books.

Conspiracy?  I really don’t know.

Vince Foster committing suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head.

Conspiracy?  I really don’t know.

Ron Brown’s plane crashing into a mountainside on a perfectly clear day killing all aboard (after he threatened to expose all about the Clinton’s and the New World Order) – and the air traffic controller found the next day in the bathroom – hanged by his own belt in an apparent suicide.

Conspiracy?  I really don’t know.

Osama bin Laden, living in Pakistan for 6 YEARS, in complete and total luxury – and the CIA, FBI and other secret service groups, including Israel and England – and NO ONE knew where he was.

Conspiracy?  I really don’t know.

Osama bin Laden killed by order of the President (a Nobel Peace Prize recipient), so he would not be able to divulge ANY information whatsoever, then hurriedly buried at sea – and now no pictures of his actual demise.

Conspiracy?  How the hell do I know?

But one thing is for certain.  We have allowed this country to slip into the quagmire of deceit, lies, counter-lies and outright murder – just to keep the Military/Industrial Complex running.

Of course, this is all done in the name of Freedom, Justice and the American Way.

Conspiracy?  It might be.  I “hope” not, but I do know one thing that is extremely curious, and something that very few people are talking about – least of all the Monopolistic World Media.

The Democrats have given us 10% unemployment, unlimited foreclosure rates, ultra-high homelessness, $5 a gallon gasoline – yet the moguls on Wall Street are again handing out BILLIONS in undeserved salaries and bonuses – yet the Republicans can’t even mount a formidable candidate to run against President Obama.

Are they really in it together and just playing us all for complete suckers?

Conspiracy?  Again, I don’t know.

All I am sure about is, a lot of my friends are out of work, some are actually losing their homes, the middle class is getting decimated and more and more people are becoming seriously pissed off at the whole works.

Yet, in all honesty, I don’t think it makes any difference at this stage of the game.  The GOP simply does not have anybody that can defeat the Status Quo of the Obama Administration.

Or is somebody simply telling them not to “rock the boat” or they might end up in an airplane crash, too.


I have heard this kind of crap for too long now.  If anybody watched the FOX News debate, you’d know just how bad the GOP really looks.

Are we to the point where everybody in Government is so well looked after, bought off, or just plain too chicken shit to challenge the current Administration?

The GOP is on course for an epic disaster – and it has nothing to do with Obama OK-ing the assassination of Osama bin Laden.

It has everything to do with the arrogance, stupidity – and impotence – of the GOP.

So, here tonight, I issue a challenge.

Any reader that SERIOUSLY believes Obama will be a ONE-TERM President – I will bet, up to $1000 in TOTAL, that the GOP will lose the White House AGAIN in November 2012.

One stipulation:  You must be willing to accept the challenge, put it on the Blog with your name and amount – and make it public.

Do I have any takers?

And for all of you out there that will immediately brand me a quitter, I politely respond that, I call them as I see them.  And as I see it now, the GOP is so confused, confounded and befuddled, that they could not beat stupid with an idiot stick.

If Obama gets reelected it is not because he deserves to be our President.  It will be the fault of the GOP for not being able to muster the courage and fortitude of our Founding Fathers to fight for this great Country, that they so courageously gave us.

“A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Benjamin Franklin

NOTE:  Credit is given to Jerry L. Leidecker, of the American Independent Party, for many of the quotes and information in this edition of The American Telegraph.


Just click on and read/watch – then form your own opinions about where all this is leading to.


Here is to all the great Mothers across this country of ours.  Happy Mother’s Day!

Keep thinking positive and never give up!  551 days until November 6, 2012.

Best wishes,

Lawrence Klepinger




12 Responses to “No. 87 – May 8, 2011”

  • Michael Kruse Says:

    Hi Larry

    I think for any particular conspiracy theory, one has to weigh the pros and the cons. For example, personally, I am convinced that Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy, but I don’t believe George Bush was involved in a conspiracy to demolish the twin towers, nor do I believe that the Moon landing was a conspiratorial hoax.

    What is interesting, however, is the way the term “conspiracy theory” has become an automatic expression of contemptuous dismissal. It occurs to me that conspiracies are quite common, actually, and one should not be surprised to suspect their existence, especially in political crimes. Lincoln, for example, was killed by a conspiracy. In Britain, the gunpowder plot that gives us our Guy Fawkes Night was a conspiracy. If I and my friend plan together to rob a bank — technically, that’s a conspiracy.

    A more reasonable course of action is to judge every accusation of conspiracy on its particular merits.

    As for your point about moneylenders… It beggars belief, in my opinion, that the American government (and therefore people) is beholden to the Federal Reserve for its dollars. My understanding is that the US government actually borrows cash from the Fed, at interest, to supply the country’s needs. I can’t quite put my finger on what is wrong with this, but it seems… Upside down. We have a ludicrous but in some way parallel situation in Japan at the moment: the Chubu Power Company wants to re-open one of its oldest, most dangerous reactors; it is at Hamaoka, very near both Tokyo and Nagoya. It is built over a meeting point of three geological faults, and that particular area is long overdue for a big quake. Given our recent experiences with Fukushima, no-one wants Chukyo Denryoku to re-open this reactor in particular; incredibly, Prime-Minister Kan has ASKED them not to re-open it. They’re thinking about it: he cannot command them. There is something rotten in the state of Denmark when elected governments have to go cap-in-hand to private companies or consortia and BEG them for assistance in such fundamental ways.

    I like Ron Paul. I don’t always agree with all his ideas, but he seems perfectly rational and articulate when it comes to explaining himself. I saw him in a debate the other day, explaining to the good people of South Carolina why heroin should be legalized. As the mediator observed, a pretty daunting task, but at the end of his explanation the Carolingian crowd actually cheered him.

  • Dick Bachert Says:

    As a fellow right-wing conspiracy nutjob, all I can say is damn, Larry, you outdid yourself with this issue.

    Sadly, at this point the controlled media and government schools have achieved the dumbed down masses they need to herd us all into that OLD World Order. These are folks who don’t know the name of their congressional representative but can recite the stats on their favorite sports teams or name who won Dancing With The Stars this season.

    2012 will tell the story. That’s assuming the forces of darkness don’t steal it with their jiggered, paperless computer voting machines.

  • John Says:

    I believe in conspiracy.

    I believe it is happening big time today.

    I believe our current President is pulling off the biggest conspiracy we are witnessing today.

    You mention “Fiat Money”. Never heard that term before. But when you look of the those two words on a google search, WOW, a lot there.

    “What Does Fiat Money Mean?
    Currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, despite the fact that it has no intrinsic value and is not backed by reserves. Historically, most currencies were based on physical commodities such as gold or silver, but fiat money is based solely on faith.
    Investopedia explains Fiat Money

    Most of the world’s paper money is fiat money. Because fiat money is not linked to physical reserves, it risks becoming worthless due to hyperinflation. If people lose faith in a nation’s paper currency, the money will no longer hold any value.” (check out this explanation)

    I repeat a statement I heard over 50 years ago; “The best way to defeat American is through its money.”

    Opps, what is happening today?

    Did we find Osama? (Obama) Gee only one letter separates their name in spelling. It has been said they we led to Osama by finding his named confidant courrier. That’s how they found him. Sounds like a good story as the CIA goes. Nice timing for Obama and the futre election campaign. Funny, Clinton and Bush had nothing to say in public about this. I would think they would have a word or two. Is it a conspiracy?

    The birth certificate, very interesting movies on those links…Hummm!

  • Buru-chan Says:

    Another winner! My thinking is that we will find someone closer to the actual race; but I agree, better to lose fighting the good fight than try to be PC and cater to the middle! When over 50% of America takes money from the government aka our tax dollars, when the only response to healthcare is more government control-the most inefficient and wasteful method possible-I think a majority of Americans, if the issues are presented correctly, agree that our country is on the wrong track and that Obama does not deserve a second term. But only time will tell…

  • Buru-chan Says:

    I forgot to add-everyone needs to check out the link about the obviously fake long form birth certificate issued by the WH on 4/27/11. Everyone who has ever gone to the trouble to get a legitimate birth certificate and present it to a school, work or government agency should be disgusted that the media, and it appears, most Americans, do not think it is necessary to hold the President of the United States to the same standard. If truth stops at the WH, what does this say about our country? This should be pursued until confirmation by computer experts is independently vetted. Interesting that Trump, who took on this issue, surrendered so easily when the fake certificate was released, proving that his interest in it was not substantial. His investigators, if they were worth their salt, should know that the Long Form was fake; remember also, this WH is expert and digital media manipulation…remember the election?

  • Steve Topper Says:

    As for conspiracy theories, the government’s version of what happened and why on 911 is, itself, nothing more than a conspiracy theory that’s never been proven true beyond a shadow of a doubt. What about the more than 1,000 structural engineers who’ve come forward and signed a document stating it was impossible for the twin towers to be brought down by burning jet fuel. And what about the free-fall of building 7 later in the day? Or what about the eye-witness comments from William Rodriguez, the last man out of the second tower and the only man on site with a key to every locked door? And how could a giant airliner crash into the Pentagon and leave zero wreckage? Talk about a conspiracy theory! At least one key person in government at the time has already admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false flag operation during the Vietnam War. So, are we now to believe that this was the only time the government has engaged in such activity and blamed it on someone else? The problem with using the term “conspiracy theory” is that it is a well-traveled two-way street. Larry, as always, you’ve outdone yourself with the current issue. You’ve raised some excellent points worthy of further research and discussion. What’s missing today in our society is questioning of authority, critical thinking, and serious discussion about important issues of the day. None of which is forthcoming from the government-manipulated media. Great job, Larry!

  • Robert W. Klepinger Says:

    Interesting that the “conservative” Supreme Court held that U.S. and foreign CORPORATIONS can contribute to political campaigns without limitation. How can it be? I have a theory…but it’s whack-o. Why not blame Bill Gates. I smell something burning…hope it’s not our way of life.

    We agree Larry. I just don’t know.

  • joe winstead Says:

    Whether it is the ‘right wing’, or the ‘left wing’, they are both attached to the same bird.
    Therein lays the problem.

  • garey Vodopich Says:

    Thanks Larry, some good comments. You bring up points to ponder. Yes, to many folks listen to one side and say ‘Say it’s so’. Lots of inner feelings, whats right, whats wrong. One must make their own decision. Me, I’m concerned if not worried.


  • david hutton Says:

    It is always interesting in my real estate class when the subject of The Federal Reserve comes up.I cannot discuss it as deeply as I might wish,however I do mention the following:
    Federal Reserve is a private banking institution formulated by 7 men at a secret meeting held 1913 on Jekyll Island.Georgia.Jekyll.Is. was owned by JP Morgan and visited for duck hunting pleasure.This time the ducks were “us!”
    The 7 men represented approx. 25% of the World’s wealth at the time,which was in the hands of 3 financial consortia:
    JP Morgan,Rockefeller and Rothschild/Warburg banking consortium from Europe.
    As you pointed out Larry a part of the legacy of this meeting is the income tax system and ,I would add, the removal of the right of Congress, as established by the Constitution, to print the US currency.
    I then ask the students to take a look at any dollar note to read the
    heading that it is a Federal Reserve Note printed by The Fed for our use.With the The Fed’s ability to print money,as it sees fit,the value of that note in their hand is subject to the whim of a private bank that is accountable to none but itself.The meetings in Congress between the elected representatives and The Fed chaps are a tragic hoot,as disclosure is non-existent and questions are deliberately ignored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ah well……………………I suspect that one or two of the students do follow up with a little investigation of their own but 95% don’t!
    Hence the tragedy…………………………….!

  • Alma Arthur Says:

    Does anyone believe the Repubicans can ABOLISH the Federal Reserve Bank, the root of all evil, when the news and propaganda in the U.S. is a controlled monopoly ( the media). For instance, the obituary for bin Laden in England was a totally different story than the U.S. version. We don’t get the straight truth. Even a revolution here appears to be questionable. Remember, Hitler disarmed all the German citizens when he took power, and he controlled the military. Does any of this look familiar to you? Have we forgotten the clandestine manner that was used to bilk the ignorant voters in 1913? A committee was formed to stop the shameful usuary by the big powerful New York banking cartel, and a big banker senator from Illinois was the chairman. He and the private bankers wrote the Federal Reserve Banking Act at their lavish retreat on Jekyll Island (all done in secret), then sold it to the public with a completely opposite spin on it). I call that dishonest and illegal. They even talked 2 Democrats to introduce the bill–he didn’t want to put his name on the bill. Everyone knew he represented big money, so I think the actual bill was the Glass-Owens Act. That’s like the fox guarding the hen house. They have profitted mightily and ruined America in the process. If we passed a law in Congress in 1913 to create it, we can certainly have Congress, if they have the backbone, to repeal it. That was the greatest Ponzi scheme ever created. The private banks risk none of their money. We certainly went against Thomas Jefferson who warned that the U.S. funds should NEVER fall into the hands of private bankers. Wars are great (very profitable for the big private banks). They make a lot of money while our young men and women fight and die in a foreign land. Stop the presses. No more fiat money printed that guarantees whe U. S. will forever lose its status as the strongest nation in the world. It isn’t even the strongest now. Bring all our troops back home; that would have a tremendous effect on the deficit. We have to reverse this situation NOW. but our elected congressmen succumb to the lure of big money and power, and frankly, no longer represent the American people. They represent their pocket books. Michael Kruse should know that the Fed is private, not Federal –I wish he would read the book, “The Creature From Jekyll Island” then he would understand. Sadly, Alma A.

  • Andrea Says:

    I read a book on Davey Crockett and he was not respectful of Andrew Jackson.

    To me, there are only two REAL candidates for 2012 and they are Allen West and Herman Cain.

    If the media doesn’t come out on the side of “who is best for America”, forget it. Follow your gut.