No. 85 – April 22, 2011


I would just like to say “thank you” to all of the readers that actually take the time to comment in the Blog Section. That is what this newsletter is all about.  YOU – not me.

I know how difficult it is to write anything, so I certainly appreciate each and every one of you for your time, effort and contributions.  Without you, THE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH would cease to exist.  Thanks again.


President Obama has me completely confused.  I am not sure what the hell is going on, and neither does he.  And that is the sad part about this edition.  I feel completely helpless as to what to do about it.

All of the above was just stated with tongue firmly in cheek.  Please read on.

Having seen Vietnam, from all angles, I continue to feel sad about the men and women in uniform, not to mention the civilians, that are getting killed, maimed, and wounded in the Middle East, as a result of our current White House occupant.

And, before I go any further, this is no longer a Republican/Democrat thing.  This is an AMERICAN thing.

After waiting for MONTHS to make a decision, President Obama finally sent in MORE troops to Afghanistan. People are getting killed as I write.

We are still in Iraq.  People are getting killed.

We are now, as of this Good Friday morning, sending in Drones with missiles to kill forces supporting Kadaffi and his band of thugs.  More people are getting killed.

At first, we were not targeting Kadaffi, then we pull out our main support, NATO is nowhere to be found, now we go back in and target Kadaffi.  More people are getting killed.

And all this by a President who received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Confused yet?

But NO ONE has even brought this up in the Major News Services.

Please do not be confused by all the confusion.  This is ALL PLANNED out to the “T.”

How so, you might ask.

Folks, this is Chicago Politics – on an International Scale.

Al Capone used to say, “Keep’em guessing.”

And that is precisely what is happening with President Obama and his minions with their continual political chicanery.

In chaos, security abounds.  It is Bush’s fault – not mine.

But we have a problem here.  It is not a “failure to communicate” as some have suggested.  It is a failure to WANT to communicate.

Never equate Eloquence with Communication.  They are two entirely different commodities.

I have written before on the subject of being simple and direct in action, word and deed.  It is very easy to do, if you really want to do it.

However, the Obama White House DOES NOT want to tell anybody what they are doing – thus the total confusion surrounding not only America – but that of the entire World.

History has proven that when America has a weak leader in the White House – the whole “World Order” is sent into turmoil.  But this time it is different.

TURMOIL is EXACTLY what Obama – and his political handlers – want.

We were told that if we bail out the banks – then everything would be fine.  Wrong.

We were told that unemployment would not top 8%.  Wrong.

We were told that a “drawdown of troops” would be in the making in the Middle East.  Wrong.

We were told that bankruptcy cases and foreclosures would be on the wane.  Wrong.

We were promised HOPE and CHANGE.  Wrong.

It is still the SAME OLD THING.  And it will get worse.


I’ll get to my simple suggestion in a moment.

But for starters, I hate to remind everyone that I predicted at the 11th hour, we would get a 2011 budget.  And we also got a 2012 budget.  And TRILLIONS of dollars more in debt.

AND WE WILL GET A BUDGET CEILING LIFT AGAIN.  No matter what Standard and Poor’s says we should do, this Nation is going to incur MORE DEBT.  This I can fully GUARANTEE.

I see no HOPE and CHANGE – as long as Obama – and his allies – occupy the White House.

But will it get better if somebody else were elected President?

This is the question that I have NO answer to.  At one time I thought I understood the American people.  Now, I am not so sure.

As Obama is making the campaign circuit around the Country, thousands of Americans are attending his political rallies – smiling, clapping, waving – and cheering this President on.

For awhile I could not understand why.  Now I believe that I have found out the real reason.

I have had more than one depressing discussion with fairly knowledgeable people, but their rational in political thinking leaves me standing, shaking my head.

More than once, I have heard people say, “I know Obama has not done anything that he promised, the economy is terrible and we have expanded the wars in the Middle East – but I’d still vote for him again.  Can you just imagine how bad it would be if McCain was President?”

How do you deal with such dumb-mindedness?  If you can figure out that trend of thinking, please explain it to me.

I am afraid that people are taking President Obama much too lightly.  I have spoken to other people who insist that Obama is a one-termer. I am not so sure.

And it is NOT Obama that I am concerned with.  I am worried about the 49% of Americans – who pay NO taxes, the 40 MILLION PEOPLE who are on Food Stamps, the 19% who are unemployed – and still collecting unemployment checks for a YEAR or more.  This is the element of America that has me worried.

If I wanted a job, I could go out and get one tomorrow.  It would be at COSTCO, or at Wal-mart, or as a night watchman, or mowing lawns, or collecting even more cans and bottles than I already am.  But I would be doing something.

But the problem is – too many people in America nowadays don’t want to do this type of work.  And as long as we have a Welfare State that allows MILLIONS of people not to work – but still get paid Welfare Checks – and vote for more of the same – then we will continue to have Obama in the White House.

And it only gets worse when you consider how Obama has bailed out billionaires by the BILLIONS.

Does anybody even know where Henry M. Paulson Jr., is today?

Remember, him saying – in the middle of the most historic Presidential Campaign in recent history (a Black man was running for President, just in case you forgot) – that if this emergency plan is not passed within 72 hours the WORLD ECONOMY would collapse?

Does anybody recall that this was total turmoil – and everybody freaked out – to the tune of a $780 BILLION DOLLAR BANK BAILOUT.

And we STILL don’t know where that money went.  Nor do we know where Henry P is.  He just disappeared – along with his other Goldman Sachs friends.

And therein lies the REAL rub.

GE ain’t paying a damn dime in taxes this year.  Bill Gates and Warren Buffet get away with HUGE tax write-offs.

And the ENTITLEMENT LIST goes on and on—for the ultra-rich.  Obama’s call to tax the rich is simply another PLOY—that the lazy dumbbells of America are falling for again and again.

Class Warfare in its total purity.  Please follow my point on this.

The ULTRA-RICH in America will NEVER pay their fair share of taxes – because they are donating to Obama NOT to cut their TAX WRITE-OFF ENTITLEMENTS.

Remember – Obama declined to take Public Funding for his Presidential Election in 2008.

He got HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.  Where the hell did all THAT money come from?  There is a quiet investigation that has been going on since 2008 to discover the money sources – but they still can’t figure that one out.

Another thought to consider.  In China and Russia – they still have MULTI-BILLIONAIRES.  This logic may sound somewhat of a non sequitur, until you give it a little more scrutiny.

If we have 50% of the populace not paying any taxes because they have no job or money at the bottom of the economic rung;

And we have 5% at the ultra-top of the economic rung, who pay no taxes (GE) because they DON”T HAVE TO pay them;

Then the only people left to pick up the tab is – WE THE PEOPLE – of the Muddled Class.

And the Middle Class is disappearing faster than $1000 bottles of champagne at a White House Dinner Party.

So here is what I suggest we do:

Read all you can about a man named  Jon Huntsman.  He is the out-going US Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China – and the ONE man who the Obama Administration fears the most.

I have found it better to let people read for themselves, instead of trying to convince them of any certain candidate.

Here is another thought.  If this man were to run for President, Obama just might be a one-term occupant.

However, and this is a BIG however.  If the GOP goes with ANY of the “other losers,” then we are going to be stuck with Obama until 2016.

Think about that for a few moments – and then you will see how desperate this situation really is.

And please remember, the GOP candidate MUST be able to rein in moderate Democrats, ALL Independents, ALL Libertarians, and ALL GOP supporters to beat OBAMA and his corrupt crew of political thugs.

As “The Fonz” keeps saying on his latest TV ad for reverse mortgages, “If not now . . . when?”

And if the GOP does not act SOON – those of us fortunate enough to still have our own homes might just be applying for a reverse mortgage ourselves!


Here is wishing everyone a Happy Easter and Happy Passover.  Keep the faith.  Never give up.

And above all – Keep Thinking Positive.  Only 567 days left until November 6, 2012.

Best wishes,

Lawrence Klepinger




9 Responses to “No. 85 – April 22, 2011”

  • Jacy Says:

    John Huntsman maybe feared by Obama, but few of the public know him. Name recognition is a powerful asset in an election. Obama won because he promised the world, had the fighting charisma to sell a bottle of Jeritol to a Doctor!

    Another one I believe Obama will fear, if he doesn’t now, is Lt. Col. Allen West, now Florida Representative. Intelligent, milliary background with honors, fought in Afganistan, thoroughly understands Muslim/Islamic ideology and can argue the points; eloquent speaker; Constitutionalist, ultra conservative and as evidenced from his speeches is not afraid of the media, speaks his convictions and is black. We do need someone out of the box – yet I fear the GOP will push the has been’s – Romney and Huck, both have baggage and are consumate politicians or RIINO Newt. These men, I fear, couldn’t beat Obama in an election – but I do believe West can.

    Other than that I agree with everything you say and yes, the saddest part of all is the large percentage of people in this country who voted for a man because he was black and the “Hope and Change” was all about handouts. The Democrats were smart during Bush years – they continually deingrated him (as they do now with Sarah Palin) and so the ignorant in this country believed Obama, the snake oil salesman. You can walk into the food court in Bellis Fair mall and I will bet you more than half of the people couldn’t tell you who the Vice President is; or the horrendous debt we have or anything negative about this administration or Obama as long as their welfare checks arrive. It is still Bush’s fault! I know, I’ve tried.

  • Gerrit Kuiken Says:

    Larry – I am a little surprised that you see Jon Huntsman as the “savior candidate” who would save America from another Obama term – since you have repeatedly stated in other American Telegraph postings that any Republican POTUS candidate who espouses strong positions on social values, i.e. pro-life, is a deal breaker in being elected. Being a Mormon – which faith has strong conservative social issues, Huntsman is as conservative a potential candidate as you can get, especially on the sanctity of life. Actually, IMHO, Romney’s flip-flopping on social issues (while Mass. Governor and later as a POTUS candidate) at first being pro-choic and later was pro-life, is what has kept him from winning the Republican nomination and more recently – it isn’t helping Romney to become the R candidate when Obama claims he modeled Obama-Care after the Mass. model, which occured under Romney’s governorship. I don’t think Romney is competitive and doesn’t stand a chance of being the R candidate for those reasons – I don’t care what the polls say, they will change, just as they did in 2008 as the campaign wears on.

    Typically, Mormon families are large, and eschew abortions, as is obvious with Jon’s family, with Huntsman having eight brothers and sisters and over 60 nieces and nephews on his side of the family.

    Additionally, Huntsman is a seventh-generation Utahn; his wife Mary Kaye Cooper is a first-generation Utahn & Together they have seven children: Mary Anne (b. 1985), Abigail (b. 1986), Elizabeth (b. 1989), Jon III (b. 1991), William (b. 1993), Gracie Mei (b. 1999), who is adopted from China, and another daughter from India, Asha Bharati (b. 2006). So I think it is a given that Huntsman is strongly pro-life.


    You can bet that if Jon Huntsman throws his hat into the 2012 POTUS campaign, that his strong conservative social issues stance will quickly become known – and according to the Larry Keplinger Republican candidate litmas test, i.e., if a Republican candidate espouses having strong conservative social issue positions, he/she is DOA (Dead on Arrival). (Bit of a play on words there, since any unborn child unfortunate enough to have a pro-choice parent, also has a pretty good chance of being DOA as well!)

    So it seems ironic to me that in AT columns in the past, you have warned against the Republicans nominating a social issues conservate as their nominee, and when you do mention a potential candidate, (Jon Huntsman), he is a social conservative!

    However, I personally would have no problem with Huntsman as the R candidate, about whom it is said that he is fiscally conservative – and was successful as Utah governor, and for sure, if you want an China expert as president – you would sure choose him, noting that our last three presidents, Obama, Geo. W. & Clinton, has zero foreign affairs experience/knowledge of any sort but were still elected.

    Actually, of our modern era presidents, only Bush Sr, had foreign experience bonifides, being CIA Director for a year and Nixon’s claim to fame was his negotiating a breakthru in opening trade with China, which previously had been embargoed since WWII because of going communistic. Prior to that, the only other president having foreign experience (and he had it in spades) was Gen. Eisenhower, having been the American Forces supreme commander in Europe, and had personal relationships with all the major European leaders of the day, largely set in motion our foreign relationships/trade/military pac’s with all the European nations that endure to this day.

    So, it appears that Jon Huntsman is at least as foreign affairs knowledgable as some of our past presidents and has more then most.

    I’d vote for him. gk

    P.S. But I believe any Republican candidate besides either of the Pauls could defeat Obama – including Jon Huntsman – social values and all. I dont’ believe either Paul could win the presidency because of their “isolationist principles” which are out of touch with the Main Stream Republicans on that issue.

  • Robert W. Klepinger Says:

    Get a grip, folks. There is a whole world out there beyond Utah borders and ideology from the 1950’s. Why not try to communicate actual solution to misguided policy instead of voicing this continuous Obama bashing. The only possibility for a republican victory will be from a ‘moderate’ candidate…yet to be named or anointed by Rush and the like. Nothing is easier than being a “back-seat” critic.

  • John Says:

    Well, Well, Well…Still basing Obama. Not gunna work, People cannot see past their nose.

    Secondly, no one is preaching to get out and vote…that’s a big problem. As I have state before, I believe, that, only 10%-15% of eligible voters acually vote. If you looks at the population numbers, that is a very minor part of the American Population.

    Also, until we change or eliminate the electorial college, the presidential election is based and focused on the number of electorial votes they can collect, not the popular vote. This was proved in the Bush/Gore election.

    It’s time folks take a chance on electing someone and not the mouth, the popular one, or NOT THE INCUMBANT.

    All this talk about who is qualified, who has the experience, who is capable, and who is the right one has proven to be a bunch of hogwash. Try voting for something new and not any of the above. This includes our Congressmen.

    We the people have the right to impose term limits with our vote. Yes?

    think abou this one, everyone man and women have the right to be partners in business, as Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate, in a legal relationship contract; but no man or women has the right to be a same sex union in a civil contract. Is that discrimination by the definition of the current day use of descrimination?

    Who has the right to say a women can have or not have a baby? Why is rape a crime, but if a women gets pregnant from a rape, does she have a right to have it or not?

    If people have the right to vote and don’t, shouldn’t they be punished, after all, we do not have a right to refuse jury duty, why not?

    Mr. Klepinger states some facts or opinions, and all I see is others agree or not agree, or make some statement about what he said; but they don’t make their own stance on issues as he does. Maybe Obama learned from them.

    I agree with Donald Trump, Obama is hiding something, and doing it very well. Besides, he is the only President since WWII that I have not seen having regular Public Press conferences, and does nothing inbetween issues affecting US or our world position…NONE! He is not in the news, none at all!

    Why is McCain visiting Libya?

    Well, that’s all until the next American Telegraph!!

    Happy Easter Mr. Klepinger. Hopefully all the rotten eggs are in someone else’s basket!!

  • Joan Dow Says:

    It is frightening to listen to the think tankers claiming we have no Republican candidates strong enough to defeat Obama.

    Therefore thanks for the info about Jon Huntsman. I’ll read up on him.


  • Joan Dow Says:

    I agree with Jacy that Lt. Col. Allen West is pure dynamite. Heard him interviewed a few days ago and was deeply impressed.

    Think we can move him into position?

  • joe winstead Says:

    Hello Larry-
    Thanks for the good laugh about the reverse mortgage scam. This entire country is a reverse mortgage. It’s getting ready to implode and nothing is going to save it.
    When Chia Head (Trump) is looking like our best Republican hope to regain the White House its time to head for the hills and dig in.

  • Naida J. Deitsch Says:


    I am so afraid that we will have the same situation that we had with Clinton if Donald Trump is a candidate. He doesn’t have political experience, but his message is being heard, and a lot of citizens like it. Divide and conquer is the mantra of the socialists, and when the GOP is divided. as it seems to be with so many candidates, Obama will win.

    From listening to Allen West, I think the GOP would be smart to get behind him and support him. He is saying all the right things, has military experience, is in Congress, and seems to be stable, sensible, and spotless. I would vote for him in a heart beat.

    I always enjoy your analysis of our political situation, and I forward your newsletter to my friends. Good job, so stick with it.

    Naida J. Deitsch

  • David Klepinger Says:


    Another well-written and provocative issue. I enjoyed it very much. My only point of contention is that I believe we may already be PAST that crucial tipping point where OVER 50% of Americans are net beneficiaries under our tax system, partly due to high unemployment. I have first-hand knowledge of how people vote when they are down on their luck; they tend to feel sorry for themselves and are drawn to the Democratic party because they are always “there to help,” which of course means taking from the evil rich and giving to those “less fortunate.” (Pardon me while I gag.) There’s an old saying, “When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you’ll always have Paul’s vote.” But perhaps the American people have been awakened to the failure of this president, who I believe has taken over the No. 1 spot from Jimmy Carter as the worst president we have ever had; a failure in BOTH foreign and domestic policy. For the record, I’ve been saying this since long before The Donald uttered the same. And just because I disagree with Obama, does not mean I am “bashing” him. It simply means I strongly disagree with his policies. That’s it; no malice intended or felt.

    I also looked into Jon Huntsman’s record, and I was impressed (see the Wiki link below). He will be a dark horse candidate if he runs, but I have to admire someone who leaves a very successful position of Governor to accept a position from a president of the opposition party and offer his services in a country like China, where he speaks the language fluently. He’s also a rock ‘n roll musician, a fiscal conservative, and a social moderate. My kind of guy; I’ll be paying attention to what he has to say. Until then, hope for REAL change in November 2012.,_Jr.