No. 43 – June 26, 2010


Please don’t make the oft repeated mistake of confusing simple with simplistic.

The whole idea of thinking in simple terms is the essence of an enjoyable life.  People always refer to the “simple life” and the “simple fact of the matter.”

So why is everything so complicated nowadays?

The simple reason is that people need a job.  So they automatically make simple solutions much harder to come by.

Two very simple answers to VERY DIFFICULT problems:

1.  Healthcare – Simply take the same type of health coverage that all Senators and Congressmen get, and extend it to the average public.  Pretty simple solution.

Not simplistic – SIMPLE.

Can anyone tell me why this is not possible?  After all the discussions, debates, time and MONEY that was spent playing every conceivable political game they could come up with – we now have the most absurd, complicated and completely over-budgeted so-called Obamacare that our “representatives” could come up with.

And they didn’t even READ the damn bill before they passed it.

How STUPID is that?

Where has the simple fact of common sense gone?

2.  The IRS.  This has to be the most convoluted, screwed up system in the world.  Even Einstein could not understand it.

So why don’t we simply implement a system of a 10% National Sales Tax?  It is excruciatingly simple – and FAIR to boot.

Why has this not been put into effect before now?

The reason is very simple.  The rich people in this country would never stand for it.

Why not?

Because they THINK they know what is best for the rest of us – and they DEMAND that WE THE PEOPLE pay for what THEY want.

I know.  I can already hear the cries of “Conspiracy” again.  Please hear me out – and then you can come to your own conclusion.

But first, a little history is in store.

Many years ago, when King Henry VIII was going through wives like a sausage machine cranks out hot dogs, he was having trouble getting the “Church” to give him a certificate of divorce.  Then, in an epiphany, he thought of a very simple idea.  He would invent his own religion – thus Protestantism was born.  And with that “religion” divorce was made legitimate.

Note the word “Protest” within the word Protestantism.  Fairly simple, if you ask me.

However, the “Church” was not about to give in without getting something in return – and thus was the beginning of the establishment of the separation of “Church” and “State.”

Henry told the “Church” that they could have their religion – TAX FREE – if they mind their own business and let him have the “State” and his new religion.

They all agreed – and from that point on – the “Church” has never had to pay a cent in taxes.

And no “organized religion” has ever had to pay taxes in this country either.

But people finally started to get wise in America and thus, in 1913 – under the Progressive Leadership of Woodrow Wilson (the one who said, “Elect Me and I will never let our boys fight in a European conflict”) – he gave us the Income Tax – with many strings attached.


Good question.

In the most recent edition of FORTUNE Magazine, July 5, 2010, the magazine cover says it all:

“THE $600 Billion Challenge”

And on the cover is none other than the best and brightest people in America:

Warren Buffett (the man who invests in China – and Chinese slave labor practices), Bill and Melinda Gates (who also invest heavily in China – and the Chinese slave labor trade).

They pontificate on helping the downtrodden and less fortunate – but are exploiting the very people they purport to be helping.  I guess Chinese coolies don’t count in their minds.

Their objective is to “challenge” the nation’s billionaires “to pledge to give at least half their net worth to charity, in their lifetimes or at death.”

Sounds very nice – and simple.  Until you start to think.  And therein lies the subject of this AMERICAN TELEGRAPH edition.

Warren Buffet voted for Obama.

Bill Gates voted for Obama.

Melinda Gates voted for Obama.

Warren Buffet has given the colossal amount of $6.4 BILLION to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, not counting his “gift” for 2010, to be made sometime this summer.

Sounds good, so far.  Giving to the needy.

But THEY are the ones who choose what causes to give to.  They do not ask WE THE PEOPLE.

BUT WHY SHOULD THEY ASK WE THE PEOPLE?  It is their money, isn’t it?

Well, actually it is NOT their money.  It is OUR money.



Yet the People have no say whatsoever as to where that money goes or to whom it helps.

The rich have devised a plan along the exact same lines that the “Organized Religions” have developed over the centuries.

The “Church” runs its own affairs – UNTAXED – and the STATE runs its own affairs – by taxing WE THE PEOPLE.

But the rich get away with economic murder – through “giving” to charities of their own choice – and then taxing WE THE PEOPLE into the Poorhouse.

In the FORTUNE article they describe a dinner that was held to encourage the “Forbes list of the 400 wealthiest Americans to pledge – literally pledge – at least 50% of their net worth to charity during their lifetimes or at death.”

Who else came to the dinner?

Oprah Winfrey, Eli and Edythe Broad, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, Chuck Feeny, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, Julian Robertson, John and Tashia Morgridge and Pete Peterson.

Now count how many Obama supporters in just that group and you start to get a very different picture of what is going on here.

And I would submit that most, if not all of these people, attend the annual Bilderberg, Tri-lateral Commission, or Council on Foreign Affairs meetings.  But I digress.


My point is simply this.   The IRS was designed and implemented by so-called “Progressives” to make WE THE PEOPLE more EQUAL.

Only problem is, it worked in REVERSE.

With the ultra-rich and our “representatives” (many of whom are multi-millionaires themselves) writing all the tax loopholes that they can get away with – WE THE PEOPLE get screwed again and again.

And in 2011 we will get EVEN MORE taken away in taxes.

So my point is this.  Every politician that you talk to, support with your hard-earned money, and trust with your heart and soul – ask them this one question:

What are you going to do about abolishing the IRS?

It is a simple question.

Please remember, the United States of America did not even have an Income Tax until the Democrats forced it upon us.  This is a simple HISTORICAL fact.

We (along with thousands of Chinese immigrant workers) built the railroads.

We invented the telephone, telegraph, and the lightbulb.  Simple stuff now – but in those days these were revolutionary inventions that changed the world.

And we did it all without an Income Tax.

Press the candidates that you support, for their TRUE position on taxes.

DEMAND that they make a PLEDGE that they will NOT RAISE any type of tax whatsoever.

Make them go on record that they will vote against all higher tax appropriations – no matter what the reason.

If WE THE PEOPLE simply stand up and make our voices heard – WE can change the direction of America before it is too late.

And just as a cynical side note:  Eliminate all tax write-offs and then we will see how charitable the rich really are.

Don’t think negative.  Get up off your collective butts – and attend political meetings.  Ask questions.  Get involved.  And don’t settle for anymore political garbage.  Get the straight truth.  And don’t sit down until you are really satisfied with the answers.

Ever wonder why our Founding Fathers insisted that the First Amendment was number one on the list of 10?

Well, now you know.


There is a lot of talk about our 2nd Amendment being slowly eroded.

Let me make another simple statement.

Our Founding Fathers included the 2nd Amendment – so, just in case we had to physically enforce the Constitution – WE THE PEOPLE – would have the means to do so.

Every tyrannical leader, down through history, has first disarmed the populace – and then gone mad with power, murdering, raping and plundering their own people.

The Founding Fathers gave us the most precious of gifts when it came to the Constitution.

Yes, it had flaws – and many of them have been corrected through amendments.

Our Founding Fathers were THAT prescient to realize that even they did not have all the right answers – and left WE THE PEOPLE with the responsibility of changing the Constitution when time dictated that it needed to be revised.

It is a living Constitution – and would not have been passed without amending it 10 times from the get-go.

Thus, WE THE PEOPLE have THE BILL OF RIGHTS – the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America.

At least, that is how I remember it being taught in school.

As for the Second Amendment, ask the person you are supporting for Congress or the Senate, how they stand on the right to keep and bear arms.  Make it abundantly clear that if they don’t believe in the Second Amendment – that you will not vote for them.

In closing, I would like to attach a very informative piece of instruction for all of you who own a handgun for self-protection.  It was forwarded to me by a reader – and my sincere thanks to him for this.  He knows who he is.

If time permits, please check out this video.  It is very worthwhile information on what to do if your handgun jams on you at a critical moment:

That is it for this edition of THE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH.

Best wishes and keep thinking positive!

Lawrence Klepinger




4 Responses to “No. 43 – June 26, 2010”

  • Michael Kruse Says:

    Hi Again Larry

    Just a couple of points of info… These don’t undermine your main arguments but they might be interesting to know anyway…

    i) Henry VIII’s launching of the English Reformation was not really the beginning of a separation of church and state in England, but rather the end of one form of separation. Henry was henceforth monarch of the realm AND supreme head of the English Church, so this was a greater “establishment – ing” of the church in England. To this day, a “disestablishmentarian” means someone who believes that the monarch should no longer be head of the church, and that the offices of church and state should thus be separated.

    ii) Henry didn’t found Protestantism… People had been protesting against the (to be polite) alleged iniquities of the RC Church for a long time… Think of Martin Luther nailing his criticisms of the RC Church to the church door in Germany, for example. Henry founded Anglicanism: what I think is in the US today referred to as the Episcopalian Church.

    iii) It wasn’t Henry’s idea. Far from it — he didn’t really like it, and in his own domestic religious arrangements he insisted on full RC rites (“smells and bells”, as it were), but minus the Pope, until the end of his days. It was his son who was the more ice-bound Prod, just as it was his elder daughter who was the fanatical Catholic. Henry was sold on the Reformation very largely by his then Chancellor, Thomas Cromwell, who pointed out that Henry would be able to dissolve the monasteries and seize their lands and revenues. The Church in England had been largely tax-free since at least the reign of Henry II (12th Century)… You’ll probably remember Henry II’s famous spat with Archbishop Thomas a Becket (“Will no-one rid me of this turbulent priest?!”): that was partly over this same matter of the Church’s insisting on its traditionally not having to contribute funds to state coffers (read: tax).

    So, to sum up: Henry VIII bound the English Church and State together to a degree formerly unthinkable, and he did so very much because it made it easier for the monarch (read: “government”) to milk the Church for money.

    Oh, and BTW: Henry didn’t want a divorce, he wanted (and got) an annullment. There’s a difference, but it’s not germaine to your arguments so I won’t bore everyone further with it.

    Pax vobiscum.

  • Michael Kruse Says:

    May I just add that I DO think that the US has the most absurdly complicated tax-system, and that some of you pay too much tax for what you get… Especially if you live abroad. Considering that “No taxation without representation!” was one of the battle cries of the Patriots, it’s ironic that you’ve ended with such an unrepresentative tax-system! 😉 (smug grin here from one of your former colonial masters).

    Wasn’t it the famous American, Thoreau, who first enjoined us to simplify our lives?

  • joe winstead Says:

    Hello Larry- Your “simple” solution to the health care crisis in this country will never work, because- a) there is not enough medical infastruture (let alone doctors) to supply the masses with the Cadillac medical coverage that Capitol Hill and most Federal workers enjoy; b) the total GNP of this country could not pay for it anyway; c) there is no chance that Congress would pass it, even if they were replaced by the sitting members ot the British Parliment. Which reminds me to thank Michael K. for the refresher course in English History, which I much enjoyed. We can only but hope that our current president will meet the same fate as our good friend Thomas Cromwell.

  • John Says:

    I see the issue you are making. Too bad others can only point out other details and not deal with the real issue regardless of the facts you are using. As a retired person, I still have to pay taxes every year. My income is not enough for a comfort zone of life, but enough to live and continues to dawindle do to the state of our economy. I’ve lost the tax deductions by parents had, why? I’m on a fixed income and no one gives a dam about relive for me, in any way. I’m one of the lucky ones, so far, that I have medical coverage from my company and that becomes secondary when I had (not I had to) to go on medicare program. But at least is takes care of medical. Taxes, we still pay the same taxes as everyone else at the same rate and no thought to give us a break as we do not use as much as the average working American. Gas prices are a joke the way they go up and down noadays, when they used to be pretty study for years. Your points have a meaning and when will folks wake up and start thinking about what your are saying. 10% tax on every US citizen sounds pretty fair and would get rid of what you are pointing out.